
The list of new nominees for Season 22's “New Adult” has been announced

The co-founders of the Yasnaya Polyana Literary Prize, Leo Tolstoy's museum-estate and Samsung Electronics, have announced the list of the new nomination “New Adult” for the 22nd season. From 60 nominated works addressing the audience of young adults and teenagers in 2024, 19 books by contemporary authors in Russian, published after 2020 inclusive, were selected. The nominators were publishers and editors of literary magazines.

“The launch of the new category has exceeded our wildest expectations. Initially we expected that after the selection of the youth jury a short list of books would be formed at once. But the number of worthy works turned out to be such that their list turned out to be quite long. Well, good, we thought - let it become a navigator of literature about and for the young. The books and their authors are very diverse, there are texts for every taste!)) And, of course, graduates of the Valentin Kurbatov School of Criticism work well in the jury. It looks like a worthy replacement is growing up,” commented Vladimir Tolstoy, Chairman of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize Jury.


Long list of the 2024 New Adult nomination:

  1. Asiya Arslanova's Aul. Volchok, 2023
  2. Ivan Bevz “What we were doing while you were teaching us how to live”. Samokat, 2024
  3. Dasha Blagova “Currents”. Alpina.Prose, 2024
  4. Elena Bodrova “Imitation”. Druzhba Narodov, 2024
  5. Elena Burkova “So loud, so quiet”. Livebook, 2024
  6. Eduard Verkin “The Autumn Sun”. Volchok, 2021
  7. Asya Volodina “Cicadas.” Bookmate/ Edited by Elena Shubina, 2024
  8. Olga Kromer “Every Atom.” Marshmallow Books, 2024
  9. Maria Lebedeva “It's Dark Out There.” Edited by Elena Shubina, 2024
  10. Daria Mesropova “Mommy, I ate an elephant”. Marshmallow Books, 2024
  11. Vitaly Mikhailov “Room.” Gorodets, 2024
  12. Maria Nyrkova “The Bay of Patience.” Polyandria NoAge, 2023
  13. Svetlana Pavlova “Hunger.” Edited by Elena Shubina, 2023
  14. Olga Ptitseva “Where the Wormwood Blooms”. Popcorn Books, 2022
  15. Artem Roganov “As Heard”. Samokat, 2023
  16. Evgeny Rudashevsky “The Eater seeks the White Owl”. CompassGid, 2022
  17. Sasha Stepanova “Don't Tell Mommy”. Popcorn Books, 2024
  18. Darina Strelchenko “And there is darkness beyond the hamlet”. Piter Klass, 2023
  19. Ulyana Cherkasova “The forest took him away”. Chernym-belo, 2024

The “New Adult” nomination was established to diversify the range of works considered by the Yasnaya Polyana Prize jury and to pay more attention to books for readers aged 16-30, as well as to provide their authors with more opportunities for creative realization.

The new nomination recognizes works by contemporary authors in the Russian language that most deeply explore the themes of growing up, relationships with parents and family, issues of friendship and love, as well as the problems of confronting reality, learning about it and shaping one's personality. The prize fund of the new nomination will amount to 400 thousand rubles.

The list of works and the winner of the nomination is determined by a special jury formed from the graduates of the Valentin Kurbatov School of Literary Criticism.

The winner will be announced at the annual Yasnaya Polyana Prize ceremony in October.

The list of new nominees for Season 22's “New Adult” has been announced